Yelp Called Me About Yelp Ads: Here’s What Happened

My talk with Yelp sales has me rethinking ways to enhance my design research methods.

Arlene Xu
Design Coffee


Phone sales image

Yesterday, I set up my Yelp business account. After setting up my Yelp business account for web design, I got a call from a Yelp salesperson about Yelp Ads. Our chat lasted around 20 minutes, and I’m excited to share this story with you.

At first, I was wary. I thought it might be a scam call. But the person assured me they were from Yelp, wanting to help my business grow. That caught my attention.

Now, I usually use Yelp to find good places to eat. So, when the salesperson showed me an example of a web designer’s page using Yelp Ads, it piqued my curiosity. But here’s the twist: that designer had only one old review. It got me wondering how useful Yelp Ads are.

We talked about my business, and then the conversation shifted to Yelp Ads. This works like Google Ads, making your business reach higher in searches. The salesperson showed me the web designer’s page. But here’s where it gets interesting — the business only had one review from ages ago. It made me wonder if Yelp Ads could boost reviews.

I politely said no to the service for now. I’m not sure if I’ll try Yelp Ads later. This experience made me realize the power of marketing and talking to people. Before, I wondered if a marketing degree was necessary at a university. Now, I get it — it’s a pretty complex field. Everyone is different, and selling things can change every minute.

Looking back, I learned that, as a designer, I should always research well and present my work thoughtfully. This tale taught me that marketing is quite a journey and how you tell your story matters greatly.



Arlene Xu
Design Coffee

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