The mistakes I made in a Web Designer Interview: Lessons learned and Growing Forward

Arlene Xu
1 min readAug 20, 2023
communication at working space

Recently, I went through a web designer interview process, from HR phone screen to portfolio presentation and design test interview. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it to the final round. Looking back at my design test interview:

The Importance of UI

User interface (UI) matters. While UX and design logic are crucial, UI holds immense importance too. Reflecting on my design test day, I asked the hiring team what set my design apart. They mentioned a lack of illustrations compared to others. Although designs can’t be directly compared, for a Web Designer role, they prefer more eye-catching design. This highlighted UI’s significance in grabbing user attention.

Interview Impressions

My design test interview felt less successful than the portfolio review. My storytelling wasn’t that bad, yet it lacked real engagement. Hiring managers rarely smiled or nodded.

Interviews can be nervous, a continuous learning experience. I might chuckle at this writing someday, realizing strong competition might have influenced my performance. Regardless, we learn, adapt, and grow.



Arlene Xu

I design and write | Follow me to get more updates. | My Digital Garden: